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Aishwarya Agriprocessors Pvt. Ltd.
Survey No: 121,122,127
Kuntloor Village, Hayathnagar Mandal
Ranga Reddy District - 501 505
Telangana, India.
Survey No: 121,122,127
Kuntloor Village, Hayathnagar Mandal
Ranga Reddy District - 501 505
Telangana, India.
Quality Policy
Quality forms the cornerstone of Aishwarya Agriprocessors Pvt. Ltd. processing policy. The company has a sound quality policy in place that constantly monitors the flow of activities in the company from procurement to processing and packing & storing.The company follows a uniform quality and consistency policy for all consignments and ensures that all rice product packages are delivered as per the agreed specifications/norms of quality.
Apart from a professional Quality & Delivery policy, Aishwarya Agriprocessors also ensures that the health and safety interests of the employees are well taken care of and adequate measures are in place to monitor effective implementation of employee welfare policies.